Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Time to wash the comforters.

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SALAD w/ Ginger dressing

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Non stop workin at this site for the last 2 months.

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ENd of the Month...

Yeap! June is over after today... Time flies and I can't believe it sometimes and this blog will be one year old July. After 465 posts in the last year I think I have been quite active posting pictures and random stuff. I try to manage 3 blogs of just totally being random but my primary one is my drifting blog...

Since this blog has been an easy access of posting thru my phone on anywhere I go I'd probably just leave it and have it as my personal POTD (pictures of the day) and keep it active.

To all viewers who have been occasionally visiting and checking out my BS, thank you! I'm not even sure if someone visits but hey I enjoyed doing it so I'll keep doing it.

Just in case... Here's a picture of my white board from the last vegas proam event... Infomercial! Check out my drifting blog:

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Viet Sandwich

Got the cravings. Thanks Inku for finding the place close to work. Solved!

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20's part2

Yes! Finally got them switched and the sensors. Looks a lot better! Now just gotta find the OEM side steps.

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20" up!

Got a great deal for a brand new 20" TRD/SR5 wheels for the Tundra. Finally something for the truck. With almost 2 years and 35k miles my tires are wearing out... This replacement is a better deal.

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Toy Story 3

Watching the movie with the GF!

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Murdered out 370z on the I15 today. Haha

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

100 miles to go

Passin' by Baker/Death Valley - eighty fiven'. 100 miles to home (vegas).

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Saturday, June 19, 2010


@ JD night event. Jason driving Ash's car and Larry riding shotgun. Sun's almost out and its getting cold.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Can we be more blackberry? @ att corporate building getting my expert title. Wow

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Up close!

Cool bird! Didn't even move I got a close pic using my cellphone.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Grill out

@ jeff's bday. Grill out.

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Point and shoot

Late gift for my gf. She's been asking for this camera, just in time for summer. Hope she gets excited for this. Mwuah! Luv u beb.

And thanks Nunz for the hook up.

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Animal inside!

Todays lunch: Double Double Animal Style w/ coke.

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Monday, June 7, 2010

What a shrimp!?

Yea seriously! It looks crazy but tastes crazy good too.

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The other horse!

Shiet! Gawd damn small biz customer came in today to take care of his account. Cool guy, nice car... Ballin.

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Happy Birthday Charlie!

Its Charlies bday! He said he turned 18... He wishes! Happy bday man! Have a good one!

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It doesnt feel as hot like the past weekend. Yesterday was a record
high of 110 degrees. Fak! but hopefully this thing is reading correctly... next week will be 30 degrees cooler! from 110 to 80 highest! woohoo! time to play with the cars again.


Greek American Grill next door hooked it up with free lunch today! Got to eat some gyro with flavored fries! Awesome! Good monday!

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insane flying! id shit my self if it was me. LoL

Iced Americano

Totally needed this caffine fix today!

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sik VW

Lowered, flush wheels done and done! Cool daily.

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Gonna try to install the rear bumpers and hopefully its good. Then sometime this week paint shop!

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Kouki install

Changing the tail lights on my dads car. Next is the widebody replacement then off to the paint shop.

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

It was time...

Been a long time waiting to redo bomac... Taking all off aero parts and some cleaning. I don't think I will be doing anything more than that. Just a fresh paint and new kit. The main part is getting the rear fixed from the last ASB... Got the new kit, new tails, and new tail panel. Hopefully it turns out good.

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1 down

Saturday errands! Got 1 down so far... I don't know how much left but I'll do as much today.

30 day pass for Charlie's S14.

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So much for being early! At least I tought I'd be sitting inside the office with air condition... Its 730am and it feels like its 80 degrees already... Oh well at least I'm getting things done early.

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sushi Time

Late night sushi craving @ sushi mon. My dad, bigmac, rhia, Jean, and me.

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Got my dad a birthday present for his S13.

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Thanks AJ for letting me know about this! Take a minute to prepare and tastes like the mcgriddles.

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Look who's back!?

Yeap there it is! Bomac back in our garage again. Finally decided to tear this apart this weekend... Not that it means it will be finished and stuff, still waiting for other parts to come in (kit) nothing big... All that we will be doing is cosmetic stuff... Just to refresh the car... Err more like the color. Can't wait to see her clean and fresh again.

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Much awaited...

Finally got around on purchasing this baby! Been a minute since I've been eye-ing this computer. Thanks to my dad who upfronted this with his c/c... Yeap, not ballin, this is gonna be a monthly thing for me to worry about. Byebye PC! Hello iMac!

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